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Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Freedom Is Restored

Extracts from "Two Kinds of Righteousness" by Dr E W Kenyon

The greatest freedom is not political freedom, freedom from financial worry or physical discomfort, but it is freedom from Sin Consciousness.

The sense of unworthiness destroys faith, robs us of our peace of mind, makes ineffectual the most earnest and zealous prayer life.

Man's cure has been repentance of sins, sorrow for sins, and deep agony in prayer.

Others have tried to quiet their conscience by going to church, doing penance, fasting, giving money, saying prayers, doing good deeds, giving up pleasures, confessing their sins, fighting bad habits, putting themselves under discipline of self-denial and self-abasement, by neglecting the body. Some have even gone as far as lacerate their bodies. Others have taken long pilgrimages.

All these methods have been tried. Every earnest spirit has attempted some of them.

A new movement has just arisen in which men and women are finding temporary relief in confessing their sins to one another.

Confessing sins may bring temporary relief from the pressure that is upon them, but no works of any kind whether they be works of self-abnegation, repentance, penance, saying of prayers, or self-denial can ever rid the heart of Sin Consciousness.

When Jesus was declared righteous, justified, and made alive, then He was restored to perfect fellowship with the Father.

After He was restored to perfect fellowship with the Father and could enter heaven as though He had never been made sin, He sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high.

He had made a perfect substitution for man.

He had made it possible not only for God to justify man, but also to perfectly recreate him.

On the ground of that, man was reconciled to God. Now he has a right to fellowship and commune with the Father - to stand in His presence as though he had never sinned.

The fact that Jesus could leave the abode of the lost and go directly into the Father's presence is proof that the vilest sinner can do the same through Jesus Christ our Lord.

It does not make any difference how wicked a man is, if he takes Christ as his Savior and confesses Him as his Lord, God makes him a New Creation. That man becomes the Righteousness of God in Christ.

Righteousness becomes a living reality in him.

Righteousness restores freedom to man - the same kind of freedom that Jesus had - the kind of freedom that the human has craved above every other thing.

Righteousness gives us the sweet consciousness of sonship privileges.

We are sons. God is our Father. We are His children. We are in His Family.

We know our Father. He loves us and we love Him.

Righteousness restores to us the joy, the unspeakable joy of Fellowship with heaven on terms of equality.

We are not servants. We are not sinners.

We are sons.

We are heirs of God and joint-heirs with Jesus Christ.

Dare to pray; dare to use the Name of Jesus; dare to take your place. Be as fearless as the Master was in His dealing with Satan and disease because you have His Name; you have His ability; He is now your wisdom and the strength of your life.

The secret to victory is acting fearlessly; confessing boldly for Satan fears you.
You are the righteous man!

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